Friday, December 30, 2005

Bibles and Bricks 2006: Possible VBS Format

Physical set up at El Rosario
four classrooms plus library plus gazebo
Electricity available if running (maybe half the time; unpredictable)
current enrollment: 198, preschool through grade 6

Possible Schedule
9:00 – 9:15: Arrival and check in
9:15 – 9:30: Group Gathering/ Music/Puppets
Three “Rotations” in three groups
Teams: Bible, Crafts, Recreation
Assumption: Regardless of the number of children, they get divided into three groups.
With four classrooms, the Bible team and Crafts team can have two classrooms each and thus can divide the large group into smaller workgroups
The Recreation team should be prepared to divide into smaller groups depending on the number of children; will use outside and under the gazebo (for water and rest between games)
11:45- 12:00: Snack and Dismissal
Recommendation from Sandy: save snack for when they depart (We’re all curious as to why.)

Preparation Teams with Adult Leaders
Bible Study: Connie Vermillion
Crafts: Lee Stanley
Recreation: Rob Erdman
Music and Puppets: Beth Vaught-Jenkins (will help us get ready); Marybeth Robinson

The following Arch books are published in Spanish. We need to choose four to become the Bible story for each day.
Possibilities are (minus Spanish accent marks; translations from the web site):
La historia de semana santa (The Week that led to Easter)
Mi libro de Pascua (My Easter Book)
El hijo prodigo (The Prodigal Son)
Tres regalos para el nino Jesus (Three Presents for Baby Jesus)
La historia de Navidad de Maria (Mary’s Christmas Story)
Jesus bendice a los ninos (Jesus Blesses the Children)
Jesus lava los pies a sus discipulos (Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet)
El arca de Noe (Noah’s 2-by-2 Adventure)
Moises cruza al Mar Rojo (Moses’ Dry Feet)
Jesus sana a un paralitico (Down Through the Roof)