Friday, December 09, 2005

Important links and information

Here are some important information links for our trip.
For immunizations:  (We don't need to be concerned with rabies.)
The number and contact person at the Roanoke City Health Department is: Debbie Sams, 387-5530, X31. 
These are two notes Mr. Kreger sent about the hepatitis B shots:
(Nov 1) Debbie Sams at the Health Dept. and Dr. Nottingham suggest that if you have never had the Hepatitis B series that you begin the series NOW. Get the first one from your primary care physician. The series of 3 shots is given over a six month period of time and it would be ideal if everyone completed these prior to our trip!
We are working to schedule a meeting time soon after the first of the new year for the Health Dept. staff to meet with our group for a "GROUP IMMUNIZATION AND TRIP PRECAUTION AND EDUCATION SESSION."  As soon as the meeting time is set, I will advise all trip participants. ( This is being arranged to expedite the immunization process for us and the Health Dept.)
Your Trip Administrator,
Trip Kreger
(Nov 9) Hello to All,
Just a reminder that this immunization requires a series of 3 injections, taken over  6 months. It is strongly suggested by the Health Dept. and Dr. Nottingham that you begin this NOW with your primary physician so it is complete prior to our leaving in July.
The rest of the needed immunizations will be discussed and hopefully given at a meeting after the first of next year as I noted in a previous Email.
Your Trip Administrator,
Trip Kreger
For Solid Rock Missions: where you should have already registered for our trip.